As I was reading this Sweet Peace prayer out loud, a Mourning Dove came and sat on my balcony. 🥹 I looked up the kind of bird it was and the meaning of them visiting. It said it’s a message of peace, love and hope. And that it generally is a sign of encouragement from a family member. They say doves represent a family member is watching over them.

I had a moment yesterday because I knew today was Grandma’s birthday, and I was assigned to pray and send a song in our group chat for the ministry I’m part of. I sent “This Joy I Have” as the song. I shared with them my Grandma use to sing that song in the choir at our home church and that today would have been her 87th birthday.

Later in the day, I started singing “I’m Not Tired Serving God” and began crying. I realized that she was showing and teaching me everything I needed to know in these hard times through her singing and songs. She taught me by example to always go to God and trust that He will take care of it all.

💗 Thank you, Grandma! I miss you and love you! 💗

Song: I’m Not Tired, Serving God

Where He leads me, I will follow.
Where He sends me, I will go.
Been running for Jesus, A mighty long time.
And I’m not tired serving God.

You make one step, He’ll make two.
There’s no limit, to what God can do.
What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.
And I’m not tired serving God.